It’s the first day of school. You scan your closet: grey sweatpants – no. That leather jacket you saved up for and finally bought in the summer – perfect. You spend half an hour putting together a snazzy outfit and go to your first class feeling confident and excited. Now flashforward to the last day of the semester. You open your closet and reach for … those dreary grey sweatpants again?
It's cold outside, nobody at school cares what you look like, and you don’t care anymore either, so you opt for the “broke university student” look. As said “broke university student,” you don’t have the money or the time to be creative with your outfits, or at least that’s what you think.
I get it. A lot of us are skimping on meals already, yet a quick scroll on Instagram, and you probably see something along the lines of a pop-up ad promoting that designer coat you can’t buy, or a photo of a celebrity in her stunning million-dollar dress. Social media makes it seem like the best clothing pieces are the most expensive, and that the only thing to fashion is purchasing on-trend items, but that is not what fashion is all about.
For some, clothing is simply a means to keep warm. For others, it is a visual statement about who they are. The colours you wear could indicate your mood, your hoodie could have the name of a club that you’re part of, and combinations of patterns and fabrics showcase your creativity. In that case, fashion is not just buying trendy clothes and wearing them; it’s arguably a language in and of itself, communicating personalities, interests, and emotions.
As a language, fashion binds people together. Some of the most wholesome interactions I have seen on campus have often started with students complimenting each other’s outfits. Sure, it might be a form of small talk, but these moments also spark friendships. You could meet your best friend in university because of a pair of handmade jeans you asked them about. Even better, you could join a fashion club.
The value of fashion lies in community and creative expression, not the price tags on your clothes. So if you’re reaching for those grey sweatpants because the laidback image just screams “you,” go for it. Guaranteed, you will find many sweatpant buddies on campus. If, however, you are reaching for those sweatpants out of defeat and think that what you would like to wear just isn’t affordable, stop right there.
There are affordable and easy ways to spice up your closet, and our campus has clubs – Seamless Fashion Club and Fits n Bits – that teach you how, while also providing spaces for students to bond through fashion.

The Seamless Fashion Club encourages students to reimagine and experiment with fashion. Straying away from fast fashion trends, Seamless prioritises environmental protection and creativity. Closet is one of their regular clothing swap events, run during winter semesters. Whether it’s a sweater you’ve grown out of or a hat you’ve worn too many times, another student might love to wear it, and you might like something of theirs. This is a great chance to get new clothing pieces both sustainably and free of charge.
If you don’t want to give up on your clothes so soon, try upcycling them. Seamless has held multiple events teaching students how to do patchwork, embroidery, and painting on clothes. Get playful with your old clothing and let them speak to your ever-evolving personality.
Additionally, you can look forward to seeing a mobile wardrobe at future Seamless events, personally curated by the team. Students are free to take anything from this wardrobe.
Fits n Bits is a content creation club at UBCO that blends fashion with humour. They are very active on Instagram (@fitsnbits.ok), posting weekly “Monday Moodboards” catered to the season. If you’re running out of inspiration, this is the place to look. They also post photos of students’ outfits, as well as fun video interviews, to showcase campus style.
Last semester, Fits n Bits curated Fit Up For Fall, a vintage market in the UBCO courtyard, inviting local thrift stores right to the heart of campus. Not only were students able to browse second-hand items between classes – could there be a better pastime? – this was also an opportunity to engage with Kelowna’s fashion community beyond the university.
Well, there you go. Sustainable fashion, D.I.Y. skills, inspiration, conversations, and friendships, all accessible right here at UBCO. Now you have elevated from “broke university student” to “broke but stylish university student,” and maybe you have even made some friends along the way. Stay tuned for Seamless Fashion Club and Fits n Bits’ future events by following them on Instagram or looking at the SUO's events page.
Follow the clubs on Instagram!
Seamless Fashion Club: @seamlessfashionclub
Fits n Bits: @fitsnbits.ok